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- File formats for Bible and font files.
- The Bible files are given here in archived form. The unarchive program is
- stored in the c: directory. Once unarchived, they are straight ASCII
- files that can be loaded into a word processor. They will not be
- meaningful unless viewed with the right-to-left Torah fonts, though. Pro
- Write will support the font except for the English left-to-right
- characters (see below).
- The Bible files contain two line types: English and Hebrew. The English
- lines use left-to-right characters, which in the Torah fonts are
- characters 129 through 154, plus 176 through 185 (numerals). These
- characters cannot be entered using the keyboard. The only English lines
- in the Bible files give the name of the book, "CHAPTER", and chapter
- number.
- Each Hebrew line starts with either a tab (character 9) or a series of
- large left-to-right spaces (character 226). The files on this disk use 2
- super-spaces. The program Resize can be used to change which or the
- number of characters that begin each Hebrew line. The Hebrew characters
- will not word wrap in a word processor, so the program Resize can also be
- used to change the number of characters on each Hebrew line.
- The definition of the actual letters used in the Torah font is given
- below (the attribution of traup--cantillation marks--is guesswork). The
- letters were assigned to the keyboard according to the standard Israeli
- typewriter layout. The vowels were assigned according to the layout used
- by the PC Hebrew word processor MegaWriter (except that alt characters
- represent macro sequences rather than individual characters in a font).
- Letter Key Hebrew letter vowel traup other
- 32 left-to-right space
- 33 ! ! exclamation point
- 34 " " ending quotes
- 35 # # pound sign
- 36 $ $ dollar sign
- 37 % % percent sign
- 38 & & slash mark
- 39 ' ' (unused)
- 40 ( ( left paranthesis
- 41 ) ) right paranthesis
- 42 * * asterisk
- 43 + + (blank character)
- 44 , , sav
- 45 - - (unused)
- 46 . . final tzadi
- 47 / / backward slash
- 48 0 0 numeral 0
- 49 1 1 numeral 1
- 50 2 2 numeral 2
- 51 3 3 numeral 3
- 52 4 4 numeral 4
- 53 5 5 numeral 5
- 54 6 6 numeral 6
- 55 7 7 numeral 7
- 56 8 8 numeral 8
- 57 9 9 numeral 9
- 58 : : final pey
- 59 ; ; final fey
- 60 < < tav
- 61 = = Hebrew hyphen
- 62 > > comma
- 63 ? ? sof pasuk, period
- 64 @ @ question mark
- 65 A A shin dagesh
- 66 B B nun dagesh
- 67 C C beys
- 68 D D gimmel dagesh
- 69 E E kuf dagesh
- 70 F F kaf
- 71 G G (not used)
- 72 H H yod dagesh
- 73 I I final nun kometz
- 74 J J khes pasekh
- 75 K K lamed dagesh
- 76 L L final kaf
- 77 M M tzadi dagesh
- 78 N N mem dagesh
- 79 O O kholem vov
- 80 P P pey
- 81 Q Q seen dagesh
- 82 R R resh dagesh
- 83 S S dalet dagesh
- 84 T T aleph-lamed
- 85 U U melupn vov
- 86 V V heh dagesh
- 87 W W sheen dagesh
- 88 X X samekh dagesh
- 89 Y Y tes dagesh
- 90 Z Z zayin dagesh
- 91 [ [ final khaf shva
- 92 \ \ invisible kholem (used w/seen, sheen)
- 93 ] ] beginning quote
- 94 ^ ^ half
- 95 _ _ shtrikl (overstrike)
- 96 ` ` (not used)
- 97 a a sheen
- 98 b b nun
- 99 c c veys
- 100 d d gimmel
- 101 e e kuf
- 102 f f khaf
- 103 g g ayin
- 104 h h yod
- 105 i i final nun
- 106 j j khes
- 107 k k lamed
- 108 l l final khaf
- 109 m m tzadi
- 110 n n mem
- 111 o o final mem
- 112 p p fey
- 113 q q seen
- 114 r r resh
- 115 s s dalet
- 116 t t aleph
- 117 u u vov
- 118 v v heh
- 119 w w sheen
- 120 x x samekh
- 121 y y tes
- 122 z z zayin
- 123 { { final khaf kometz
- 124 | | (not used)
- 125 } } (not used)
- 126 ~ ~ (not used)
- 127 (not used)
- 128 (not used)
- 129 Left-to-Right English A
- 130 Left-to-Right English B
- 131 Left-to-Right English C
- 132 Left-to-Right English D
- 133 Left-to-Right English E
- 134 Left-to-Right English F
- 135 Left-to-Right English G
- 136 Left-to-Right English H
- 137 Left-to-Right English I
- 138 Left-to-Right English J
- 139 Left-to-Right English K
- 140 Left-to-Right English L
- 141 Left-to-Right English M
- 142 Left-to-Right English N
- 143 Left-to-Right English O
- 144 Left-to-Right English P
- 145 Left-to-Right English Q
- 146 Left-to-Right English R
- 147 Left-to-Right English S
- 148 Left-to-Right English T
- 149 Left-to-Right English U
- 150 Left-to-Right English V
- 151 Left-to-Right English W
- 152 Left-to-Right English X
- 153 Left-to-Right English Y
- 154 Left-to-Right English Z
- 155 (not used)
- 156 (not used)
- 157 (not used)
- 158 (not used)
- 159 (not used)
- 160 (not used)
- 161 ¡ alt-! kern 3 pixels
- 162 ¢ alt-" geyrshayim
- 163 £ alt-# kern -1 pixels
- 164 ¤ alt-$ (not used)
- 165 ¥ alt-% (not used)
- 166 ¦ alt-& (not used)
- 167 § alt-' revia
- 168 ¨ alt-( (not used)
- 169 © alt-) (not used)
- 170 ª alt-* (not used)
- 171 « alt-+ (not used)
- 172 ¬ alt-, yetiv
- 173 alt-- shalsheles
- 174 ® alt-. revia
- 175 ¯ alt-/ azla geresh
- 176 ° alt-0 Left-to-Right numeral 0
- 177 ± alt-1 Left-to-Right numeral 1
- 178 ² alt-2 Left-to-Right numeral 2
- 179 ³ alt-3 Left-to-Right numeral 3
- 180 ´ alt-4 Left-to-Right numeral 4
- 181 µ alt-5 Left-to-Right numeral 5
- 182 ¶ alt-6 Left-to-Right numeral 6
- 183 · alt-7 Left-to-Right numeral 7
- 184 ¸ alt-8 Left-to-Right numeral 8
- 185 ¹ alt-9 Left-to-Right numeral 9
- 186 º alt-: zakeyf katan
- 187 » alt-; zakeyf gadol
- 188 ¼ alt-< mapakh
- 189 ½ alt-= mapakhatum
- 190 ¾ alt-> mugrash
- 191 ¿ alt-? (not used)
- 192 À alt-@ kern -3 pixels
- 193 Á alt-A kawmetz
- 194 Â alt-B (not used)
- 195 Ã alt-C kubutz
- 196 Ä alt-D pasekh
- 197 Å alt-E segol
- 198 Æ alt-F khataf pasekh
- 199 Ç alt-G (not used)
- 200 È alt-H tzey yodn pasekh
- 201 É alt-I (not used)
- 202 Ê alt-J (not used)
- 203 Ë alt-K (not used)
- 204 Ì alt-L munakh
- 205 Í alt-M illuy
- 206 Î alt-N (not used)
- 207 Ï alt-O (not used)
- 208 Ð alt-P (not used)
- 209 Ñ alt-Q kholem
- 210 Ò alt-R khataf segol
- 211 Ó alt-S khataf kawmetz
- 212 Ô alt-T tzeyre
- 213 Õ alt-U (not used)
- 214 Ö alt-V (not used)
- 215 × alt-W kholem
- 216 Ø alt-X shva
- 217 Ù alt-Y atnakh
- 218 Ú alt-Z khirik
- 219 Û alt-[ tipkha
- 220 Ü alt-\ azla
- 221 Ý alt-] meyrkha
- 222 Þ alt-^ tipkha
- 223 ß alt-_ zarkaw
- 224 à alt-` meteg (blank character)
- 225 á alt-a kawmetz (narrow)
- 226 â alt-b Left-to-Right super space
- 227 ã alt-c kubutz (narrow)
- 228 ä alt-d pasekh (narrow)
- 229 å alt-e segol (narrow)
- 230 æ alt-f khataf pasekh (narrow)
- 231 ç alt-g disappearing ayin
- 232 è alt-h tzey yodn pasekh
- 233 é alt-i (not used)
- 234 ê alt-j meyrkha khefula
- 235 ë alt-k lyamed
- 236 ì alt-l silluk/darga
- 237 í alt-m galgal
- 238 î alt-n segolta
- 239 ï alt-o telisha ketana
- 240 ð alt-p telishaw gedolaw
- 241 ñ alt-q kholem (narrow)
- 242 ò alt-r khataf segol (narrow)
- 243 ó alt-s khataf kawmetz (narrow)
- 244 ô alt-t tzeyre (narrow)
- 245 õ alt-u tzvey vovn
- 246 ö alt-v yerakhbenyomo
- 247 ÷ alt-w kholem (narrow)
- 248 ø alt-x shva (narrow)
- 249 ù alt-y pazeyr
- 250 ú alt-z khirik (narrow)
- 251 û alt-{ (not used)
- 252 ü alt-| separator (pasek)
- 253 ý alt-} tebir
- 254 þ alt-~ zarka/sinnorit
- 255 ÿ alt- telisha gadol